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Friday, November 9, 2012

Hey! Assalammualaikum! Hello saturday morning! How is your day been so far?? going through a long day?? No it is okay. As saying goes 'Patience is virtue'. Yes it is. okay I'm not gonna talk bout patience.
On November 9th, I mean yesterday was a day which UiTM results will be unveiled. I am kinda dissapointed ,depressed,and overwhelmed.I failed a subjects. Material Science.hmmm :(  ..How am gonna tell my mum??How about my uncle??..I don't know how to encounter this.I know I have to concede and confide.I will not take this as a regret and expect this as a challenge.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Assalammualaikum. hmm haters..

yeah everyone hates haters so do I.But somepeople say one day we should thank 'em.hold on! for what doe?! 'They inspire us'?Ouh No better leave that thought. Parents inspire us,Well-known people inspire us,Well educated people inspire us NOT that bitches..Ops sorry for that harsh word.Okay let's not delaying story.Yeah today I just got visited by my uncle.yea I know he does care but he's too sarcastic..I was pissed off when he said I spent money for wrong purposes.Playing around and not focus on what I am supposed to do..What??!! seriously???I did not really mind that part tapi bila dia mention pasal Facebook and incompetent in managing time  Ive known who is behind this.Kenapa doe jealous sangat???For my whole life I never picked any fight with you and spread rumours related to you..Hey just to remind you life doesnt let you always on top..That's karma.deal with it.No wonder la Allah kurniakan muka kau macam tu sebab perangai kau pown macam tu..Totally you deserve it.I could treat you like a trash la..Aku boleh je buang kau dari hidup aku even kau cousin aq macam mana aq buang kawan baik aq dulu...Dont look for my shortage if you couldn't perform well in life.War has started.Thanks for what you have done to me : D

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Im overwhelmed :(

Assalammualaikum.Hey.It's just like wow!neglected as usual.

As written title above herm.Don't know.I think this is the real me.Sitting in despair.Brooding bout future,my family,my job and as always daydreaming.It is a norm for incapable people like me..I know life is defined as a rolling wheel for some time we at the top and for some time we at the bottom.For what Ive thought my life never been on the top..for the reasons first and foremost about myself.I do serve people with smile and laughter but who knows what im keeping in myself.Everyone has his/her dream family so do I.for some family they have all those elements like chivalry,happiness and wealth.what has happened to mine??I do pray and ask for it but  no one hears me.I know He knows what I want and what I want to elude since I was born but where the hell is my victory?? I kinda lost my hopes..Im totally tormented..

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Raya will be tomorrow!but no excitement at all.

Hey ya! Assalammualaikum!
Raya! raya! I know it sounds kinda excited unfortunately not..The reason behind this is my final is coming nearer.I got bout a week to study and catch up.hurrmm! Takot tak ley buat la...My target is 3.50 and above..If dapat 3.50 pown it doesnt matter...the thing is nak anugerah dekan....I am just afraid of disappointment and disillusionment.My mom puts high hopes on me and as a son I wouldnt make it scattered..so a week after
raya  akan ku mentelaah buku and notes stored on laptop and praying and worship Him diligently...Dah la aq ny 
careless..Since I was in secondary school kot..Maybe it's due to my wrongdoings towards people...I am so sorry
Maaf Zahir dan Batin k....0-0...no doubt k...bYE

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Assalammualaikum! hey shawty! wazzup?

Hoping you are in the good shape buddies.Here I am sitting in my chair pressing key board of course wanna share something guys...yoo! time by time.I realized I have been here for 2 months plus plus..ya this is my first time babe.I met new peeps and new environment..Btw Can someone share with me how to get sleep early?? man I am facing a fucking problem bout my sleep....Oh god! raya is coming to visit us...I was thinking its joy and celebration becoming blue..All I know bout Eid just a celebration for a month of fasting and asking for apology from people you had done something bad towards him/her...thats all! than everything gonna turns as usual..Hey! I miss my mum's cook.RENDANG AYAM! walaowei!..till then...i know my update likes a crap.. ciao! salam! :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

mid sem break.

Salam.he ya!

I'm enjoying my mid sem break.it's cool.I missed my mum siblings,peers,and everything....but this mid sem break I wont do something that wasting my time...todays morning I arrived safely from penang to segamat..ouh.yesterday was a lonely day at my campus...I walked around like there was like neglected area...yela...everybody has reached their home..home sweet home!..hahaha...This week might be a busy week for me kot,,macam2x need to solved...malas la nak type..bye.

Sunday, July 10, 2011



he3x...Lama tak menaip..guys! do you miss me??hahha..Back to title..PHYSICS!..hahaha..Just finished my revision on projectile motion..at first quite difficult for me to get it..then baru skang rase senang giler..ceh tak de la senang giler...p  senang la...alhamdulillah!...frankly speaking I really love physics since high school unfortunately I got  B+ for it..sedih sangat!...that was my mistake and careless during answering the paper 3 question..Aq still ingat lagi soalan paper 3 tu..cam siot seyh!kalau tak dah dapat A dah..p nak wat cam ne..dah nasib  aq kot..but for now kne la berhati hati...and nak dapat 3 pointer and above for my first sem...my math subject okay la....just recall add math mase sekolah dulu je la...pergh nak balik!!..rindu dowh nak makan rendang mak aq!sedap giler! aq ley abeskan satu ekor ayam if my mum cook it only for me..hahhaa...p kalau hari2x makan cam tu ley jadi belon aq..kenapa lah duet ptptn tak dapat lagi ny???I wanna buy a new phone.p tak decide nak phone pe lagi...then nak shopping shirts,shorts, and watch lagi...so far kat sini best la compared to my hometown..yeha! on 16 july holidays! k la guys da ngantuk la...nak titow! bye ciao! salam!