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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

my loved one..

here I'm....

Now clock showed me the time now..ops!!4.33a.m....never mind..just leave it behind because it will not distract my hand from typing a story for my readers..i think all of you knew my loved one as state and listed on facebook..she is in kuantan for 2 weeeks and 4 days..today out of blue I'm waiting for a call from her even though i knew it will not gonna be happens..I have a story for shared..It is all about how I met this simple girl and kindly I accepted her..hahaha....asal la berbunga bunga lak ayat aq ny..hahaha....tak pe lah..bukannyer selalu..
Okay lets us started with her personality...her parents named her as FATIN NADZIRAH BINTI ELIAS..she is at my age plus we were in the same school as well in the same class...she has a sister and a brother...her brother married with a kid and will going to have another one..her sister did the same thing but now waiting for the ones....she is a simple girl with not too much foundation,mascara,lipstick and else on her face...she is a nice girl and good appearance..loveable...good looking...in addition she cares about every words out of her mouth...plus she is an intelligent girl and has a cute voice..i love the way she talk... a lil bit manja..she is a tame girl and should be tamed...and the great part is she knows how to plays with my heart better...hehehehe....second episode is how I met this adorable girl..hahahaha...kinda  story..okay..When I was in form three I noticed this girl and she grabbed my heart to get close to her...Even me myself don't know for what reason it was..I tried to get her phone number and I did it from someone but still now I can't remember who was that someone...and it started with a message came from me..and she replied with a question....of course korang taw kan klau a girl got a message from unknown number ape dia akan tanye..mesti "sape nie??"..and that was the first message I got from her..and not simply expose my identity...so it continued with guessing...till she got bored with me..then I gave her hints bout myself..then she gave me a right answer...we are good in texting..hahaha...actually we were in the same class from form one actually...And we were a couple for a week in form 3 la...then everything ruined due to an unnecessary girl..don't want to talk bout this girl..let her be what she wants...then I had a big fight with FAFA NADZIERA..hehehe..I called her like in worries...waiting for replied...she off her phone...and from that time we lost our contact...kinda sad..but in one moment everything can be changed..God always the greatest...then after she knew her friend was a backstabber everything were turned to a good thing for me to get a space back in her life..we became a friend then moved on to best friend and last year everything ends up with a relationship as a couple..hahaha....

thats all how a relationship was built..hehehe...okay here we are...habis sudah


Monday, January 17, 2011

words of mind....


my beloved readers sorry tak update my blog..actually tak taw nak citer pew...malam nie just wanna share whats in mind only..by the way malam nie sunyi jew...then dah 2 minggu 2 hari dah FAFA NADZIERA kat sane...weekend jew boleh message...nak call tak ley sebab line cemburu sangat to us....so many times I tried to call her but whats I got were"please leave your message in the voice mail"..but Alhamdulillah la sebab dapat lagi mesej ngan dia tu pown kne waiting like a donkey years..wanna share sumthing..last Sunday she called me with all tears came down bathing her cheeks and also with her cute voice...hahaaa...I dah tak taw nak wat pe cuz saye nie gelabah sikit kalau gurl nanges lagi2x nak pkul perempuan...nak selit sumthing jap..hehee...FOR ALL GUYS JANGANLAH SUKA SUKA HATI PUKUL GIRL OKAY TU POWN KALAU KO LELAKI LA...bkan pe just they all need a protection dah la dia orang nie kaum yang lemah...jangan la jadi DAYUS k..wat malu kaum aku jew....back to my story,hope FAFA NADZIERA or A.K.A PENGUIN happy kat sane..hahaha...tak taw cam ne ley dapat name penguin tu..hahahaha...sape suh ejek boy sendiri OSTRICH..nah!!amik penguin.hahaha...ting!!...haha..dah dapat dah idea nak citer pe..next week on Sunday I nak kne datang tempat latihan memandu tu...kne gak amek lesen...tapi giler lame dowh nak duk dngar ceramah kat sane...tak pe la bkan selalu pown...kalau dah dapt L nanti abes jahanamla aq wat keter kancil tu....p yang tak bestnyer kat sane tak ajar nak wat DRIFT la pulak...may be dah dapat P baru dia ajar kot..hahahahaha....p kne tukar kete la klau tak bergolek golek kancil tu...hahahahaha,....you guys imagine klau kete kancil tu bergolek golek..comel giler!!!hahaha...some of my friends are fighting  for the licence now...tak sabar rasenyer...now we are moving on to third story readers...ting tong!!!hah tu dia idea dah datang dah...masuk2x...hahaha...giler aq nie......aq nie memang cam nie...jenis orang yg giler2x...
orang nak cakap pe ke let them  say everything till the last words janji my life will not be distracted by them...sape nak ruin kan my life boleh bla la STALKER!!..waa garang dowh suddenly...heehehe...gimmick jew tu..dah melalut lak...third story tadi tentang my ex-school...adoyai!!...feels like wanna go back to that school la... bila nengok adek2x aq g latihan rentas desa teringat lak mase aq rentas desa.....I tak pernah skip taw latihan rentas desa nie...cuz cam best jew walk in the jungle with pupils....p tak pernah dapat number below ten pown...haha..nak wat pe lari2x sangat kan bkan nyer lari pown padang tu...baek kite jalan jew then borak2x ngan kawan..hah! mase nie la nak manfaat kan mase yang terluang kalau tak asek nak belajar jew all the time..boring is it??..p belajar penting babe..kepada sape yang still working out for the exam  just keep exporing the knowledge till last breath...seriously study memang best because we learn something new and we      
are revealling whats happening beyong the world....mase dekat sekolah la mase yang paling best...urmm..teringat lak kat member aq...miss them damn much...okay la clock getting 1.00.a.m...but still awake...thank you for put your eyes on my blog..bye!!..Assalammualaikum!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

car licence and course:(

Assalammualaikum guys...

Today has nothing much happened to me...and as usual thing...BORING!!!!!....actually yesterday my mum asked me whether i want to take car licence or not..yes i want it but i dont want makes it twice...u wanna  know what it is????...for the truth saye malas nak dengar ceramah kat tempat lesen tu then malas nak bngun awal sangat p tak bermakna saye nie lambat bngun k...saye siap kemas rumah lagi..hahahaha...pelik kan klau bachelor like me done all that...ahahaaha...dah biase dah do all that work...bkan nak menunjuk la...p saye memang nak rajin kan diri nie wat sume tu sebab klau pemalas sangat some of u tak suka...but saye memang anti kalau rumah bersepah...all things on my shoulder k....basuh baju,iron baju,kemas rumah,basuh kete,basuh motor,sidai kain,kemas bilik memang la kan,even broadband pown i pay it by myself..tu sume saye wat taw..thats why i'm broke now!!....nak selit sikit leh???..cam tak sabar lak nak g PLKN ...hahahaa...pelik tul,,,,kwan aq sume taw yang aq tak suke sebab takut botak then itam..p mane la taw g sane dapat SIX PACKS ker???hahahaa...berangan seyh..tak ley bla...at least jmpe kawan baru...my dear pown dah g sane pown...cam best jew dia citer kat saye....p ari tu she did called me with her sad voice and told me with all of sudden tears came down...cam kesian pown adew...but her voice cute gler!!..heheeh....my apology to FAFA NADZIERA sebab cerita kat blog I yang tak seberape nie...rendah diri la pulok...hehehe...k la we move on to our titles k....nengok!! kan da melalut...k pasal amek lesen  keter  tu saye memang nak pown p mesti la same cam mase amek lesen motor yang saye dah dapat...u guys imagine kne g sane pagi hingga petang from 6.00 a.m to 4.30 p.m.....huh!...pnat dowh..p  tak taw la nak ke tak nak.....p klau tak amek sekarang of course for sometime kne gak....plus nak study lagi so havent leisure time for that....nanti la  pikir....
now we move on to second title.....course!!!..taw la kan saye nie baru jew abis spm so need to pilih course yang saye nak study....p pning seyh..there is a lot of choices beb....first i chose aeronautical engineering sebab saye memang minat pown something related to airplane..memang my ambition saye nak jadi pilot..bile nengok jew cockpit plane rase cam nak terbang like a G6....hahaaaha...alih2x jew masuk lagu FAR EAST MOVEMENT..second i chose electrical engineering..p yang nie tak taw sebab ape I minat ..then third rase cam nak amek chemical engineering. sebab saye suka maen2x ngan chemical substances nie..hahaha...giler kan??...hahaha...then yang fourth tak taw nak amek apew...p for sure I will never get inloved in BIOLOGY...seriously tak minat,...tak taw la cam ne result bio aq...then my HISTORY  subject lagi...huh!! pening den memikirkan nyer....p yang pasti saye nak masuk UTM sebab it is the best University in mechanical engineering...

okay la guys I dont have any stories so far to share with you la....nie pown bosan kan???...sebab saye ngah bosan tahap gaban duk kat umah nengok langsir,tingkap,dinding,....boleh gler....nak cari kerje cam malas lak...k bye!!!!.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Azam tahun baru 2011.....

hello to all non muslims...
hah berkenaan ngan tajuk saye nie iaitu AZAM TAHUN BARU 2011 saya MOHD ZULFADLI BIN MANSOR baru jew dapat list out semua azam tahun baru saye.....last year tak dew pown azam baru just go through jew life nie...but now on...saye nak ubah sikit diri saye nie.....biarlah adew vision siket and adew haluan...last year a lot of things happenned to me..sebelum saye list out dlu azam baru saye just nak flash back jap..back to the past in 2010 saye nie suke maen maen...just tak focus on my life..hidup cam nak have fun jew without thinking around....but now i'm a big boy...so cam dah besar siket..cehh dah besar konon p perangai cam budak2x jugak kadang...hahahaha....mesti lah klau tak cam budak2x mestilah boring kan??...and dalam 2010 nie adew gak perkara2x sedih yang happened kat saye such as saye kehilangan kawan saye since sekolah rendah dlu...cam tak percaye lak...hope dia happy in his new world..dulu kiter orang tak dew la rapat sangat till form 3 sebab saye tak mix sangat ngan TAQIM,IZZAT,ARWAH DAUS,NAVIN,KOH,AIREEN,and MY DEAR for now....entah cam ne la pulak ley rapat mase form 4...but guys I LOVE U GUYS<3......since kawan ngan korang nie my life changed from worst to a good life...back to the sad story mase hari rabu kalau tak salah mase tu form 5 mase tu balik sekolah...aq lepak la ngan daus kat pondok bawah sekolah tu then dia adew cakap nak tukar barang motor la pe la...macam2x r dia cakap..then dah balik sekolah tu alih2x dapat call yang dia had an accident so nak tak nak kne la rush g hospital...mase kat hospital tu sedih jew nengok keadaan dia cam tu...then dalm beberapa hari dapat mesej yang dia dah tak dew...:(.plus mase exam tempat arwah kat depan saye so just sedih jew nengok kosong...tak pew la yang pergi tetap pergi nanti kite akan menyusur gak..jangan pulak adew yang menagis nie..but adew la gak bnde yang happy...yang saye da dapt *tuttttt hahahaha....bahaye klau cakap kat sini,,,,,then last year saye took spm exam....just waiting for the outcome...takot seyh...harap sangat dapt result yang boleh menyenangkan hati...k la borak banyak pun tak gune...ape yang baek simpan lah buat teladan...k la saye pown dah malas nak press keyboard nie kang lembik la pulak asek kne tekan je...

AZAM 2011

rase nyer tu la kot..p yang hubungan aq ngan Allah tu mesti sebab tanpa-NYA siapalah kite kat muke bumi nie and supaye hidup be blessed by ALLAH....dah la...bosan lak hadap laptop nie......bye...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


hye mates!
 As wrote above I'm titled this post as BANTERS because today i still havent a great story to share with you guys but i will looking for it...But here some jokes for all of you to break  your boring day...before we started ASSALAMMUALAIKUM....as muslim mesti kne bg salam kan..banters nie adew tajuk taw...hheehehe...cam nak wat citer lak...

Ini cerita krew TV3 untuk episod JEJAK RASUL.tiba tiba di satu perkampungan diselatan yaman,kereta pacuan empat roda mereka tiba tiba mati...sebabnyer minyak habis..oleh kerana pada waktu itu jurubahasa tak dew,maka cakap arab pown ikut yang ingat aje..beberapa orang kampung pun datang nak tolong...seorang krew TV3 berkata sambil menepuk bonet kereta "ENGINE-innalillahhiwainalillahiroji'un".....seorang lagi  krew TV3 berkata sambil menunjuk lubang tangki minyak"PETROL-sodaqallah hul azim"......Pening sume pak Arab tu...

nie la dialog di antara cikgu sekolah ngan anak murid yang bernama arip
CIKGU:Arip, kenapa kamu datang lewat hari ini??
ARIP:hujan lebat cikgu...
CIKGU:semalam,kenapa awak tak hadir????
ARIP:hujan jugak cikgu..
CIKGU:Aik!!!hujan juga...habis klau tiap tiap hari ujan???

dialog diantara guru dan seorang pelajar dalam kelas yang tidur...
CIKGU:baiklah,kita mulakan soal jawab...Fezzul bangun!!!(fezzul yang baru bangun dari tidow pown tiba tiba berdiri)
CIKGU:jawab dengan pantas,siapakah yang telah membunuh J.W.W BIRCH????
FEZZUL:sumpah cikgu saye tak bunuh dia!!...betul cikgu,saya tak kenal pown orang putih nie(sambil menagis dalam kegelisahan)
CIKGU:mampos aku kalau adew 20 orang murid cam nie(dalam hati)....

okay tu jew la yang saye adew buat mase nie....klau adw lagi nanti saye update k...i will keep u informed k....till here ...bye...assalammualaikum...put a big smile on your face:)


hye guys i'm here....

as wrote above i'm going to talk about fixie...know what fixie is...FIXIE is a type of bicycle but not an ordinary bicycle because it is coloured with contrast colour and it is very nice....actually sye cam dah mule minat lak kat fixie nie..tak taw la nape lak nak minat bnde bodoh nie...maybe just for my hobby kot...and now sye cari satu la....saje nak try...kat sini tak taw kat mane adew jual rasenyer tak dew kot..then kat sini pown tak ramai ya g pkai and tak prnah nampak pown kat sini...p klau nak selalu nampak of course la kat bandar besar...tapi sampai skang tak taw lagi berape harga fixie nie....maybe for adult like me will not have time to spend with this bicycle..then got no friends yang minat nie...for those yang belum taw fixie nie...below got a pic for u...
yang nie cantik!!

yang nie for my girl pown ley gak..hehehe
so cam ne???minat dah??..klau sapew sapew yang live in segamat yang taw harga and tempat dia jangan lupe bgtaw saye kat http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001295959962  ...okay till here...see you soon ...bye...put a big smile on your face..:)

Monday, January 10, 2011

facebook will shut down and else....;(

helo readers and buddies!
Actually i'm one of the biggest fans of facebook....but all of sudden i heard a story related to this social network will going to shut down..kinda sad..you know well only this way you can express your fellings to others by post it onto your wall and your friends will give a comment or commnets bout what you were thinking bout...i have two accounts...just for fun...some stories said why this happened due to line busy and many of facebook users have left  this priceless network day by day...but for me(faithful user) will not leave it.....plus my dearest left me!!i mean she left me for PLKN ...boring!!!!...still jobless....dont know whats kind of work nak keje...plus i'm broke!...nak duet!..p tak pe i'm waiting for my spm result if dapat bnyak A so dapat la bnayak duet...p klau dapat duet nie I'm MOHD ZULFADLI BIN MANSOR takkan membazirkan duet saye nak tukar phone lagi...bile dipikirkan balik cam membazir jew....so far i'm using my old phone that is SONY ERICSSON K800i jew...p nak taw tak???..phone nie dah cam DSLR camera dah sebab saye nie suka capture gambar myself ngan natural cam bunga ke,pokok ke,anything else..klau korang nak nengok hasilnya hah nie ade pic nyer...scroll down please..

pretty nice is it???just nak collect duet nak beli camera DSLR tu..k la till here.....see u soon.....bye..put a big smile on your face..:)

new blogger on blog!

Hye guys....as been told i'm new around...so just a lil bit awkward to handle this up...need experience some more to makes me expert bout this "e-diary"..hehehehe...first of all i want to share my background first..my name is Mohd Zulfadli Bin Mansor..i'm 17 years old and getting 18...a lil bit shy..i have two sisters and one brother...i live in segamat somewhere in Johor...my mother is a single mother..my dad has passed away...everything is on my mum shoulder...she is a superwoman that i had....actually i had finished my spm exam  so now i'm looking for a job....now i'm jobless...okay la till here..nothing to tell about.......put a smile on your face.:)